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Showing posts from August, 2020

Nail party!

There is no better feeling than a fresh manicure, well maybe there is but, it makes me feel better. I can do my own nails expertly but, I do treat myself every now and again to an actual salon mani.  I tried the gel manicure and loved it BUT it wrecked my nails.  Then I did tips. BIG MISTAKE. I got them applied a week before Corona took over the world and then couldn't get fill ins.  I ended up ripping them off leaving my nails in disrepair for months.   Then a friend had a Color Street party.  I wanted to support her so I bought a bunch of sets.  They are a bit pricey $11-14, but comparable to a manicure that's pretty cheap. I got them a week later and I ended up loving them.  They last for almost 2 weeks, they look like actual polish and they had great colors and designs. I then ordered a second time. They are a little annoying to remove with regular nail polish (especially glitter) and I wouldn't recommend pulling them off not even a little bit. I ran into a little probl